
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

mmmm free dayy!

so today i'm spending my free time with watching dvd (marley&me) and watching manohara again, calling quka.marley&me is really entertaining it tell abaout 'the worst dog in the world' name marley and was adopt by family who dont have baby, than they decided to taking care the dog while waitig for baby. acctually its really affect me,at the end the dog dead :'(. marley like barking loudly and he like to bite and damage the sofa,carpet.

and this is manohara,beautiful!

oke than i'm watching news and infotainmet gossip the headline is abaout manohara. her ex-husband is putra mahkota (apalah in english) from kelantan lingdom in malaysia. and you know what he's doing something that really maybe really cruel. manohara tell that she got verbal abuse,sex abuse. and the one thing that make miserable,she's only 17 may be she got trauma and the Indonesian embassy why they dont think fast to manage this case. manohara tell that she just like their property,she must stay smile altough she's tired.yang paling parah katanya manohara disilet silet dan dia harus minum obat tidur trs dia dikurung di kamarnya, kamarnya bukan kamar2 yang ad wii,nds,ps,tv,internet,comp,tlp,hp di kamarnya ga ada apa2:'( terus lehernya kena setrikaan!

2 komentar:

Amira Nabila Qatrunnada mengatakan...

ma,kok manohara serem banget sih digituin hehehehe

Halimah Rachma mengatakan...

emg tuh suaminya sama kerajaan jahat bg kan mir keanya mereka ko seneng banget ya nyiksa org indonesia oooh gosh!