
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Random Question (1)

So i found some randomly question,i can ask to myself from tumblr,and i found its really interesting to answer those questions:D

1.Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up:

Tegan and Sara-Alligator

Jump 5-Shinning Star. cud u believe it,this is the one of the song in the lizzie mcguaire's Movie. I was a big fan when i wan in elementary school:') Every girls like to watching girls movie

Highschool never ends-Bowling for the soups. Sorry i didnt feel the same,like this song did. No explanation the truth us too much drama's in highscool,sorry

Pnau-Breakbot,never getting bored with this song.

Under Control-The strokes, i dont wanna do it ur way lets sing along~~

2.If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Too much people popping on my mind rite now,steve jobs i wanna ask him to gimme mac,iphone,itouch,ipad *kidding i gonna ask him a lotta question how he cud invent a cool mac? how he cud be a creative minded? Why he choose buddhism as his religion?, the strokes's vocalis jules.My grandpa since i never meet him,my elementary friend,Qalista I miss u,really miss u! Hope sumday we cud meet.

3.What do you think about most?
I mostly think about my own mistakes. How to erase it. It seem i need a pensive.

4.What does your latest text message from someone else say?
~~Ada dee Kasitau ga yaa?

5.What’s your strangest talent?
hmm, i can sleeping anywhere! bus,class,and once i sleeping when ceremony haha:D

6.Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Luckily never huhu:'',maybe sumone who read this want to make it for me?

7.Do you have any strange phobias?
i hate orange,i hate their fragrance. i even hate to write it:)

8.If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Observing people, i like to guess wht they r talking about, wht is her/him character, and window shopping:D

9.Do you perfer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Noth of them i like. xteremely hard to choose but i prefer behind the camera,i like the result the photo i took.

10.Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
The Strokes,for sure. Always feel alive after hear their song *ea lebay ya,bode dee:D

11.What was the last lie you told?
Mom: r u okay,why u'r badmood
Me: Nothing

12.Do you believe in karma?
Yes,i believe with it~~

13.Do you have a collection of anything?
Yes of course i hv,bunch of magazines. I really like reading magazines

14. Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Not so much,but Alhamdulillah.

15.What’s a sound you hate; sound you lov
hate:A sound of a group odd teenagers start to laugh really annoying,make a bus full of their voice,can u control ur voice?
Love: A sound of birds

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Java Soulnation

Menurut lo ini gambar apaan?
Jangan,bilang ini foto,keliatannya kea orang lagi nonton layar tancep. Ini sebenernya lagi nonton Depapepe cuman ga keliatan trs difotonya dari jauh T~T jd keliatannya cuman kea gambar layar gitu huehe. Minggu, sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu gue dateng ke Java Soulnation,sebenrnya pengennya dateng ke yang hari Sabtu karna ad mike posner. Walau gue cuman tau 2 lagu. Yang gue kejar sih sebenernya valerius terus keduanya Depapepe,Alhamdulillah nya meraka ad waktu hari Minggiu. Gue dapet tiketnya karna menang kuis gt di twitter. Haha, hokinya:) emang gue suka nyari kuis konser gratis hehe,trs waktu itu gue udh puyeng banget tuh abis belajar sejarah apa apa gitu, gue buka hape kemudian memulai pencarian ada beberapa yang emang ngadain kuis gue ikutin aja tuh semua kuis. Ga semua juga sih 3 kuis gt,mumpung itu udh tengah malem lebih jd gue ga merasa berdosa nyampah di timeline prang dengan twit2 ikutan kuis haha,besoknya gue berdoa terus gue minta restu sama temen2 gue 'doain ya biar gue menang tik java soulnation' gue antara serius dan ga serius. Karna gue ud jarang banget menang kuis. Pas besoknya,gue udh lupa dan gak berharap bannyak. Tapi berharap sedikit aj yang ikutan kuis dikit,jadi biar peluang kemenangan gue semakin bannyak. Pas waktu gue buka twitter ad 'new mention' gt gue kira dr temen gue,si Abhy karna gue emg abis twit-twitan gt bareng dia dan gataunya :" sebaris kalimat yang bertuliskan "selamat halimahrachma kamu mendapatkan 2tik java soulnation" setelah itu gue seneng banget,nah gue msh berharap msh sabtu. Pas gue dtg ambil tiketnya dan gue buka amplopnya bener ada 2tiket tapi hari Minggu. Karna hari Minggu ga strategis berhubung senen-nya ank sekolah kudu sekolah paginya, gue udh clueless banget ga ad yang mau nemenin gue nonton. Untung akhirnya ada yang mau juga nemenin gue ntn,ya itu kakak sepupu gue. Goblognya,gue ga kepikiran ide ini yaitu menjual 2tik gue dan menukarnya dengan yang Sabtu nah itu doang yang gue seselin:"( kan lumayan Sabtu rame ad mike posner.

Gue langsung ke AHA stage karna tau ada Valerius, tapi sepi banget awalnya waktu mereka baru nyanyi 2 lagu gt bener2 live&upclose banget deh gue didepan nyanyi paling depan juga ga masalah. Tapi masalahnya gue jaim gt ad kakak sepupu gue haha, gue ga berani lah petakilan tereak2 kalo sama temen gue sih mungkin gue udh tarik ke depan. Ga enaknya kaka sepupu gue ini keanya ga afal lagu valerius. Kurang lah atmofser ke-konseran pas disini. Biasanya konser kan rame banget,desek2an nyanyi bareng nah ini yang gue ngerasa ilang. Yang dateng juga kea kakak yang udh gede2 umur 25tahunan yang udh hilang masa keababilan mereka dimana ntn konser ga harus heboh haha. Terus gue liat voc nya dr deket lumayan2 gitarisnya juga,terus kan ada lagu yang intronya kea semacam lagu daft punk yg suaranya gt deh electro, disini gue baru tau kalo nyanyi kea gt pake alat, jd kea sesuatu kea mic gt trs kalo dia nyanyi dkt situ suaranya bs berubah. Maaf gue agak kampunk:)

Pas lagu jagoan mereka dinyanyiin whic is 'she doesnt know' ud mulai rame tuh udh mulai keras atmofsr konsernya. Malah waktu mereka udh selesei nyanyi ad yg tereak 'whenever' salah satu lagi mereka,padahal dia udh nyanyiin itu. Gue ngerasa common people banget diantara uncommon people,mereka semua dress up dan gue cuman pake tshirt jeans. Kapan2 kalo gue ke konser lagi gue juga mau ah coba pake apa gt yang spektakuler kea lady gaga- > ini bercanda. Pas Depapepe rame banget ya rame tp ramenya sama orang gede gt,jd mereka bener2 nikmatin, dibelakang gue ada artis tp gue gatau namanya siapa x_x dia doang keanya yg paling heboh artis ftv gt gue pernah liat dia di tv. Orang2 lg pada dengerin dia tereak apa gt,sampe orang sebelahnya dia ngelirik dia trs temennya blg gini 'lo ngapain sih?' haha sumpah gue pgn ngakak tp lagi2 gue jaim,tau banget doi caper artis pgn diperhatiin gt menurut pengamatan gue* Tp gue ga sampe selesei berhubung kk sepupu org yg bertanggung jawab dan dia blg gue bsk harus sekolah dll, gt jd ga sampe selesei. Pas besokannya disekolah gue tidur 2 jam pelaharan keanya kalo tidur gue ga bs ngutang haha (O)_(O)

i dunno y math doesnt easy to solve anymore. Waktu TO MTK saya cuman bisa tatap-tatapan sama soal mtk saya,dan ga ada yang saya isi,soal mtk mungkin lagi ngetawain saya. anyway,i found tht my other friend jump really high, i mean their score really higher than before. Kalo ngeback post yang sebelumnya jadi keliatan banget berantakannya, Saya coba berkutat dengan html code dan saya mennyerah terus saya alihkan pekerjaan mulia ini ke adek say:* Thanks aniwei for makin my blog tapi saya masih nyari cara supaya gambar belakangnya gak sama.

Senin, 19 September 2011



Jumat, 16 September 2011


Well,i m in love with their song. My sister have just download their song,and i know they r brilliant. "Lets celebrate the irony,everything is going wrong but we're so happy" TRUE!,i'm on the exam week,and its really happy therapy to listen their song. after listened their song i feel like o,who care with all of the mess,life must go on. Thats y im like their song, it suddenly can change my feeling.I think u should listen to their song too. I wish i can watch em live, that okay if it is not in Indonesia. Fly to Liverpool maybe a nice idea.The lyric stuck on ma head "i found a cure for broken heart let it tear us apart" :)) Already listen to all of their song in their first album. A Guide to Love Loss & Desperation.

Monday,tues,and wed i have to face up another exam. Sociology,geography,history r waiting for me. Here comes the anxiety,wish me luck i hope they'll me the good result.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Happy Iedul Fitri!

Hello there, its nearly to the Iedul Firi day. Its a celebration day to celebrating the end to Ramadhan Month (fasting month). So if i have a mistake please forgive me:):) Happy iedul fitri hope we can meet another fasting month again, and i hope we can be a better people!!

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Nice vacation visit Bandung

hey there,im just feel really bored. Its all cause Sims social, i am really so into it. I wanna go home earlier so i can spent much more time to play than god damnnn!! The internet is alright and also the computer but the sims social is underconstruction i'm really want to punch my computer. So to spend my time its better i write about my last vacation to Bandung than to complaining bout it again!! Well, actually this vacation is so last year. The plan came up when i'm in the 2nd grade of high school.


me and my friends decided to spent few days on rani's grandmom house in Bandung. I exactly remember that time,its when the 3rd grade did the UAN test,and we're having fun while they have fight up with the test,sorry senior i didnt mean to having fun above ur difficulty:$. And this year i'm gonna feel the same test like their got too. CONGRATS TO ME:"]. go bck to my story,I really cant wait my holiday i always counting back the day. When finally it came:').


There are me,rani,eca,and qukaa we go there by travel . That was really fun i thought cause i feel like in the travel there's only me and my girls hehe:p we talking a lot laughing a lot!. I wish we have another plan to go holiday together again,it'll be fun.


So after when we're arrived,we swim at the hotel. Rani got the free pass,cause her mom had worked there. At Rani's house i met her grandma,granpa and 2 male cousin.I'm really appreciated with Rani's grandpa he have alotta old toy car,he collect it since he was younger. So sorry i didnt capture it. Grandpa like to listenig jazz music everyday in the morning i was seeing him siting in the living room while listening to the music. And Rani's granparents r really sweet they are spent their entirely life together. I like to seeing both of them together,well i hope i can be like that too someday.

inside the shop in bandung,and i remenbered the worker in this shop is fierce

We walked to some shops at bandung , well actually there r too much choices but i didnt find any suitable items for me. Rani's grandma have a driver name kang agus. He drived us to a elite residences and the security have to seize kang agus's id while we're around there,home in that place really elite i mean u can see house in the sims in ur real life. And i just cant stop like whoa that house really cool! I saw a house really look a like like in the GTA SAN ANDREAS. Kang agus's have a good sense of humor he can easily involve with us. Actually Rani take us there cause she wanted to show us a lil garden. She said that garden is the most gorgeous garden she have ever seen in real life,and she also said that garden is a look alike in the movie. But we couldnt find it bad bad bad yeah,the lesson we can take it if u wanna go somewhere be well prepared,make a plan,and u have to prepared plan B too if ur first one failO:). I went to a cool cafe there too.


Its a small cafe but inside there its like a band poster gallery. Mostly that local indie band from Bandung,but i found blur poster. There r some people who play acoustic performance while the other spent their nite to enjoying and talking to each other. We also went to boscha and takuban perahu.


Echa was really amazed to see boscha cause it the first time for her to visit boscha the saddest part is we cant go inside boscha we just outside the building. Cause there r so much people who already booked,poor us.


Than we went too tangkuban perahu, when we r just arrived in the entrance waggs i can smelled bad perfume :p:p its smell like rotten egg. At first we blamed each other and pointed whose bad fart. And we already know it came up from the place. Yeah in there the rain pouring down yeap, thank u rain:* u came in rite time,in the middle of holiday. So we go home:")


The third day in the morning whn maria and qukaa are still sleeping we went jogging, a lil walk inside the block.


The people r nice, some r greeting us, i saw some woman exercise together. We talked much. Actually at that time we already set up the plan to go home at that day but poor us we didnt get enough space so only maria and quka who go home. Me,eca and rani go back to Jakarta the next day. hoah think i need another facation 0.O

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Abstarct,things inside ma head

I'm a big fans of art. I like singing,listening to music,drawing,and of course watching movies. for me art is something from ur heart that u can pour it into real life. It can be anything,Its all up to you. I like drawing. Tho,im not the experts one but its being the pleasure for myself:) I'm not the good one at art class, i just got the average score like the average student in art. But i dont know how it bring happiness when i can finished it all my paintings. I left my heart into great illustration sometime i can spent my half awake my time to spent at the website who provide me to explore people paintings. I'm not a planner girl, i act spontaneously. I enjoyed paint with sketch,i'm happy too when i paint something without sketch! there r some of my works i called it abstract it all came up from ma head than i pour it in the piece of paper. Its really messed up but who care if u could happy with what u're doing without bother people. Drawing and listening to the music r my favorites things i have to do. Its being a great anger management for myself.

this paint tell how spicy maicih is!! do u knw maicih is a spicy crispy. there r 10 level in maicih. I'm on 5th level and its fucking spicy. i feel like i wanna burst out the flame inside my mouth. I read on magazine that the owner of maicih still young and he already make money. I wanna be like him,someday:)


I saw a guy near from the bus stop. He got the style. He only wore a simple cloth. But i like his style. I watch him from far. He have a tattoo,and i bet he is listening to music with her big headseat in his ear


I spent much time in the bus, i know u already know Jakarta is one of the bad traffic jam city. So when i get bored in bus,i always trying to sleep. So i wont stress in the way get back home. However bus is my best friend. I dont know how i can going to anywhere without bus.


I'm really tired with all of the news in the tv,newspaper and magazine. It all bout the guy who did corruption. Now he's pretending he forgot all of the thinks happen.


Suddenly there r a teacher who came up to class and told that we have to moved to other class cause my current class will be fill up with brilliant student from the accelaration class. I dont like this:( i mean what r u doing maam, the class already cozy. There r a wifi inside of the class. My chair mate dessy she like to used it,and me i have bunch of book in the desk drawer and i have to brought it back to my home. Its really hevy maam. Things that i regret why does the teacher hv to told me a day before holiday. So sorry teacher but i thought u hv to arrange something neatly,Sincerely me.


Remember the good old days~~


i have to urged my self to write down things from ma head,into this pages. I am not kind of person who can easily committed to something. I like the result of my blog, but i m really bad procrastinator, I like writing but i have to defense against my self. Going to this site. Anyway this Ramadhan so far was good. Now i'm on holiday. YEY!! i spent a lot myself in The pictures there r really awesome, i watch some dvd and 2weeks ago maybe, i held break fasting wth my Junior high friends in my home . At once i was really worried cause i scared there r only amount kids can participated,i guess i'm wrong! 5 min before the adzan came up,suddenly they r arrived. I was really excited,happy, and laugh all the time. I blessed to god finally we met,after 2 year didn't see each other. i notice everything has changed, Many things has changed. They getting taller,they voice more heavy,they look more handsome and beautiful,and 2 of my friends now wearing hair dress,But they're still nice:) We talked a lot about the old days we hv been passed and of course our future. They all had planned with they future. Its always nice talking bout future.


I met neo,he was a really quite guy. I never talked to him. I was a lil bit shocked,he became more talkative. I asked random question haha;p just to convinced my self he's not as quite as i thought.
We played the fireworks.And i lil bit scared.
The second firework is the most awesome. The biggest noe, it burst out to anywhere. And Iban (one of my friend) is the closer one. I shouted,it was really fun. Fireworks is a must thing,if we hv another gathering again.

Tri,my chair mate i could record how far he has changed, He still a sweet guy, a type who only talked if he need,obedient guy. and now he's growing up as a good guy. Remember some people like to call him 'Sayuti' (character from OB indonesian tv show) Sayuti is the innocent man. Remeber,when tri birthday me and my friends bought and choose him together a backpack for school. And i still couldnt believe he still wear it :'] If i could spin back the time i would choose being a junior high schooler again haha. At that day i kind a a girl who really lucky. Nomatter how time had been passed, i always rember you all guys. I miss you. Wish we can meet up another time i am really curious what we'll be at the next 10 years.

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Just so u know

\\ I'm really cant wait for the last film of Harry Potter 7 Part 2 . Thing this gonna be epic end. Well i've read all of J.K's book and after read all the last book i was stunned. Cause i really cant believe the people that Harry hate in the end he bein a hero. As i remember i never catch the end like this in other story. So i'm really waiting this film. I hope it still the rumor that i cant watch it on the Cinema. Sometime i think bout the bad thing that can happened i'll end up watching in the computer after dowloading 6 hour from torrent and i'm gonna watch it after 3month/4month the film has release. Naudzubillahiminzalik. Huh,hope this case will gonna be happen to me. The cast is already grown up. I saw neville in the first film and now he look like taller and not fat like when he kids. Hermione grown up being a beautiful girl. Still cant believe this film gonna be end..... Yes,but this is Film with quality 7 film is quite enough. not a soap opera who need 5678 episode with 6 season.

\\ I watched korean serial film called dream high. Two guy in the film pretty hot. Actually Sam dong is hotter than the one (i forget who his name??) . Girls like huimei is so..lucky. But y she seem didt bless with her life (kadang pengen ditimpuk abis nih orang:>]

fug yeah thats me in the middle~ id rather the left one. his name is Sam dong...

\\ The strokes have their new video clip (Taken from fool) . Go on check in tumblr cause i dnt know wy i cant post in this blog:'' Still this video cant beat Undercover the darkness but i like how Nick Valensie played guitar.

I still need more holiday. In holiday i dont care how long i passed my time in the internet,watching dvd's, sleep, going to someplace and reading.

Next monday gonna end this holiday. Go back to the habit~ hope the last year gonna be the best year. Wish me luck

Welcome back Hasna!!

well hello hv not been updated long time:( I'm losing my spirit just lil bit. Than i remember again to this blog :D. Holiday almost over:"" I have to study hard. Cause this year is my last year in high school,yeah to catch up the university thing. finally.My friend hasna had came back from Alabama. Was really happy and surprised. Cause i've just know his in Jakarta after several day she arrived. The day when i met my friends were really delighted. After one year not talking face to face. I asked to her many many question bout teenager-american-life haha,she said she lived in the South American. And teenage life there is'nt like what i saw in movies or teenage serial tv show. Its really different. Its been ages too since im not met my friend from junior high,Amira. Probably i didnt see anything change at her at all. Still a nice girl. We talkin a lot,laughing a lot and of course taking pict a lot. Well,who will miss this moment without camera??

me-eca-and Maria


Kamis, 14 April 2011

hello guys.

sorry for not update,too long. now,i've a twitter accaount haha,so i get hypnotized and forgot this blog. ff, i almost forget the pass and also my email. worst,Alhamdulillah the situation is under control now.ive 10 days for holiday. And i will go to Bandung with myfriend,and i want to finish the prince diarie book. Ive that book since junior high and until now i never done red it. Acctually thebook int mind is my sister mind :D hehe..the senior have the test next monday,It final test or in indoneia (ujian naional) which mean the third class will getting closer with the university thing,and and the end of the semester is really near. i need to prepare my mind. Cause next year i'll go to university too. I decided i want to take business major,i hope i can get it in one of the greatest university in Indonesia haha xD. my mom and my dad has agree with my choice. so it'll be a good sign to go on to my dream hehe,i dnt need to debating with them and make an argument. All i need to do,acctually from now is study. The problem is i easily get bored with the lesson book,easily feel sleepy when im read the history book. I need to control my mind from anything tht can distract me. OHHHH NOOO... btw, i write this in english cause i wnt to learn english. my score in english is really bad,oke acctually it is not my fault (egoist) haha. English is really important nowdays rite,everyone keep tweeting with english. the international language. fyi,my close friend hasna wnt to comeback in mei from Alabama. i miss her so much,one year she leave Indonesia cause her dady work in there,cant totally wait. i know,i'll like so exited if i meet her and i'll shout out loud.. i miss u has! i edited her pict,acctually she ask me to edit her photo.
So sorry if the result is not good at all. Dnt,forgot to follow me on twitter @halimahrachma. I'll follow u back if u ask me,enjoy the good day!! Happy holiday for u who in the first-or-second grade in senior high school. And hope for u in the third grade u can pass this exam and go to univesity u want,GOD BLESS US ALL!! love ya x.o.x.o <3

Senin, 14 Maret 2011


Merinding,mendengar berita itu. Jam 2 siang saya mengetahuinya,melalui twitter. Tsunami baru saja mennyerang Jepang. Tapi yang harus saya dan semuanya pelajari Jepang adalah negara yang cepat tanggap. Jepang,negara yang minim SDA suka terkena gempa, pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat,komik-komik,inovasi baru kini sedang dilanda musibah.Saya adalah orangyang sangat terinfluence dengan komik. Saya suka sekali membaca komik jepang,gambar yang apik cerita yang menarik. Sensasi membalik kertas,melihat gambar komikus jepang. Jepang adalah Negara yang sudah modern tanpa melupakan tradisi saya sangat salut dengan negra ini. Di komik miiko contohnya miiko senag sekali makan dunkin donuts tapi komikus juga menggambarkan miiko tidak lupa tradisi. Miiko tetap memakai kimono di hari perayaan. Jepang adalah negara yang cepat bangkit dari keterpurukan,itulah yang saya pelajari di sejarah. Jepang kalah dalam perang dunia ke 2,tapi dengan cepat dia membangun negaranya kembali.Dan,lihat sekarang mereka kuat.Semangat mereka,ituyang paling saya salut. Pejabat yang mersabersalah dan melakukan kesalahan langsung mundur tanpa disuruh. Kalo melihatdari televisigambar-gambar tsunami itu saya sangat prihatin,semoga Jepang cepat bangkit.





tumblr_lhyjn9g8ye1qgzeiro1_500_large and

Setelah berita tsunami Jepang muncul berita lain yang mengatakan Indonesia akan terkena dampak tsunami. Bagian timur,Indonesia diramalkan oleh BMG akan terkena tsunami. Waktu itu temen saya,Elsa sedang diPapua.kaget,saya sangat kaget. Tapi Alhamdulillah dia bisa kembali ke Jakarta dengan selamat. Elsa bilang lautnya pasang surut,tapi tidak sampai mennyebabkan tsunami.semua orang panik.Ia juga sempat mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi.

...selalu datang terlambat

saya merasa tidak produktif. akhirakhir ini kerjaan saya hannya tidur,nonton dvd,dan mendengarkan musik. nyaris melupakan,tugas dan kewjiban. saya hannya terlalu lama berantai-santai ,terlalu terlena sangat tidak baik untuk hidup ini. kemarin malem saya baru saja terlibat dengan ibu saya pembicaraan yang sangat ribet. saya membicarakan tentang amal,neraka,surga,..... *sigh itu membuat saya takut. saya menyadari bannyak waktu saya yang saya buang siasia. tidur,menurut saya aktivitas terlama yang saya lakukan saya orang yang gampang tidur gampang ngantuk gampang terlelap dan susah bangun oke. saya ingin, bisa mengatur waktu saya. saya ingin melakukan aktivitas yang berguna 24 jam dan 7 hari yang terus menerus berguna. saya ingin melakukan sesuatu yang bisa mennyelamatkan saya nanti...
beberapa gambar saya yang saya buat




gambarini,buat temen saya namanya rika.



Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

What's happened in January?

Januari,kemaren bannyak kejadian yang terjadi. Nano-nano banget lengkabh!!Bulan pertama di 2011 ini,awalan yang cukup melelahkan.

-Maria dan Hani ulangtahun,pas banget. Mereka adalah temen baik saya.Dan mereka sama-sama berulangtahun di bulan Januari.Maria tanggal 13 dan hani tanggal dan tanggal 17nya Hani.Saya ngadoin Maria sama Hani. Buat hani boneka dan maria alat makan.Dan saya membuat kartu ulangtahunnya sendiri. Tapi karna saya lupa-lupa dan males-malesan akhirnya saya baru ngewarnain kartunya waktu hari H nya di sekolah.17 tahun umur mereka sekarang haha:D

For Maria:)
Gif Created on Make A Gif

And for Hani:D
Gif Created on Make A Gif

-Di bulan inijuga,Maria diujikesabarannya sama Tuhan. Dan dia orang yang sangat dan amat-amat tegar dan juga bijaksana. Saya ngerasa,saya beruntung punnya temen kea dia. Bannyak hal,saya belajar dari dia:)

-Guess what? I met my old friend. Udah hampir 2 tahun saya gak ketemu dia. Sammy,dia jauh lebih tinggi daripada saya.Padahal dulu dia sesaya tingginya. Saya ketemu waktu itu sama Rani. Tapi Rani caw duluan karna dia ada acara. Sedih banget,sammy bilang saya gak ada perubahan! "ma,keanya lo dari dulu sama aja deh gak ada yang berubah. Bloon-bloon nya aja masih sama,masih pendek lagi hahaha" sial banget,ya intinya saya awet muda yippieee. Jadi saya gak usah ngeluar-ngeluarin duit buat botox or anything itu hehe.

-Hani ngerayain ulangtahunnya.Bannyak yang dateng,Hani dapet bannyak kado. Hani juga sempet dikerjain. Tampangnya Hani lucu banget waktu lagi ngambek,soalnya dia sempet ngambek gitu.

Dan gak kerasa aja damn,sekarang udah bulan februari. And it getting closer with the exam. Saya bener-bener berharap nilai saya bagus amin Ya Allah:')

5 orang dalam 1 box kecil

Tiap jum'at keanya ud kea jd agenda pergi kemana dulu sebelum pulang.Soalnya jum'at pulangnya cepet jam 11.30 ud pulang,kea anak SD kan? bagus dong.Dan Jum'at kemaren itu bener hari kejepit.Karna kamisnya libur,dan jum'atnya masuk. Ya jelas lah di kelas saya bannyak yang gak masuk. Yang masuk cuman belas-belasan. Setengahnya kali gak masuk.Tiap hari Jum'at cuman ada satu alasan kenapa saya harus mennyeret tubuh saya pagi-pagi dan tetap pergi ke sekolah. Itu karna ada pelajaran Matematika,yang dapat mematikan hehe. Kalo ud 1x ketinggalan udah deh lost,gak ngerti.Tapi hari itu tetep seru,hari itu ada pelajaran sinematografi.Udah gitu liat film-film dan iklan-iklan yang dibuat anak-anak dari sekolah lain. Ada 1 video klip,yang disepanjang video itu saya ngakak mulu. Gara-garaa orangnya salah pose.Sebenernya videonya gak lucu sih biasa aja,cuman Rika ngebuat itu jadi konnyol banget. Dia komentar-komentarin. Abis pulang sekolah saya photobox sama Rika,Elsa,Dessy,Dirsof.Awalannya parno gak cukup untung cukup sama lima orang yang gak bisa dibilang kecil. Udah mirip sauna tuh box. Awalannya cuman mau foto sekali tapi karna ada dua pennyumbang dana kita foto sampe 3x. Puas gak tuh,foto sampe 3x.


pennyumbang dana kedua,punnya tempat eksklusif hahahha!

pelajaran untuk hari ini:fotobox memang harus sempit,itu adalah suka dukanya.