
klik,klik to enlarge the pict
i dont know what i'm drawing. i'm not good at drawing but i love drawing, i like see good picture. i always being amazed when i'm see my friend's pict that his made.
klik,klik to enlarge the pict
i dont know what i'm drawing. i'm not good at drawing but i love drawing, i like see good picture. i always being amazed when i'm see my friend's pict that his made.
today just speent my day with watched dvd bbf again! read ate played comp, and i called my childhood friend. she surprised me acctually she want to go to the same high school like me after 3 yrs we're not going to the same school. hope we can go to thee sama school,yeaaaa. than we can going to school together or at least go home together.her house not too far from my house, so we can ride a same bus. hihiii;p it'll be FUN hope our score enough to accept in that high school. *crossing hands*my friend-s not come yet from their holiday in bandung. m,i just feel lament. why my mom not give me a permit to hv fun with my friend-s ok,i know i'm not make her proud at all with my score right? and i've just spend much money when i went to yogya. m, i'm really envy with youuu all. so today i'm tried to upload my photo from the graduation day but it sucks eror failed grr want to puch my computer -.--- so i'm really sorry for message me:'ma please dong taggin photo2nya uploadin pake flock aj' sorry my computer is stuck i can't do anything.my computer is like from the end of 60's. o my gosh its 21 century doraemon please send me a new computer or maybe pintu ke mana saja maybe in english (door where you want) so i can having fun with my friends.bete dch kalo dipikir lagi uhdlah having fun aja disana.its kind late but i want to tell you abaout my graduation day(skip this one if you're bored)
saturday morning 20 june i woke up in the morning feel nervous. pray and wish all the best for myself. i bring my big backpack to go to school.its too early when i arrived at school its 6.00 pm,gue aj sampe lupa kapan gue dtg sepagi itu ke sekolah. first i saw my classmate he's wore loose pants i thought his good on that haircut. curly hair just look like gu jun pyo( please rachma you're in reality not in ur imagination) than i met my friend quka and we was doing little chitchat to kill our boredom.after all student already came we ride a bus to go to lembang, practice saman in bus thats what we do it. keanya tuh barisan gue doang gt yg paling ribut haha never die lah jagoan BU HAR with their crel mind. we called 0857***** yah semacam ngerjain gt laah trs pas si punya ngangkat kita nynyii 'TAK GENDONG KEMANA MANA ASIK DONG MANTEP DONG WHERE ARE YOU GOING?'ya gt dch trs kita ketawa-ketawa sendiri gt gara2 yg punya keanya ud tau dch tp diem aja tp ga bs dibilang gagal juga kaaan ya kan kita ud profesional gt kan nyanyinya bareng2 supaya ga ketauan siapa yang ngerjain yooooi gaaaaa? not long after we do it we arrived at lembang,who neeed fresh air? you can get it in lembang. its a mid day 11 but really cool. keaa lama bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet nunggunya pak kepala sekolah ngomong dulu,huff but finally my teacher gave me that 'magic envelope' than we opend it together Alhamdulillah my score is good, and my friend-s came to hug me they got a good score too.Alhamdulillah this year all student declared graduate from junior high school.after it graduation ceremonial. i wore white kebaya with sarung that my grandma lend me. the boy wore a tuxedo. their just look awesome. kenapa jg sih ga ad foto kelas yang foto bareng2 gt grr banget kapanlagi coba, ga ad acara foto2 coba.when the night saman appear with the worst,the most expensive,the farest performance. pathetic performance,padahal itutuh perform yang terakhir kita. cuman 1 org yang tega buat gt yang tega buat ngancurin laatian kita selama 2 minggu, yang ngancurin nama baik kita di depan sekolah dan temen angkatan, dan cuman 1 orang yang dg gampangnya bilang maaf tanpa tanggung jawab,do you know what is the meaning of thankyou? lo tunjukin dong,jangan lo cuman bisa ngomel2 doang tunjukin juga dong usaha lo kecewa banget last worst performance,if i hv one more time chance i'll do it my best.feel envy with dance maybe their look cool, everybody claped their hands karna mereka pantas diberi teupkan tangan not a fake one sambil ad yang bilang 'bagus kok saman -.--'waktu acara bebas there are a lot of band perform sampe gue lupa namanya i remeber 3 name the dongos autumn suicide ismu&thebackbone LOL ismu is my english teacher he sang 2 song cari jodoh&song from the virgin i forget the title haha. all of the band perform cool anyway.cool i never saw it before they just like a profesional musicians,hope someday there will be famous hihi;p;p feel sleepy hooooooam good nite everyone hv a nice sleep
the clique:bercerita tentang seorang ank pindahan yg tdk diterima oleh temannya arna tdk mempunyai sense of fashion dan tdk mempunyai baju yg bagus.
and she wear tatoo that can be removed. acctually it remember me when i wore henna in my hand totally bad my teacher seem totally nerd. they make this problem bigger and bigger.every people in my class was look at in my hand,and my teacher ask me to make a stupid later statement that i'll never going to school with henna.and today, i know and i found someone in my school wore it too,so why she dont get punishment like me? and she only 8 grd student,grrrrrr...!
last night,i've just know that my coloring pencil is missing,not at all missing.formerly, i have 48 coloring pencil and now i just have 30 coloring pencil. where's my 18 coloring pencil?. m,tadinya gue ud mau ngewarnain gt tapi gara2 pensil warnanya ilang gue asal2 an aja, sebel banget emg sih kea udh lama gt belinya waktu gue kelas1 tp sebel aja seharusnya itu msh bs utuh, trs pensilnya juga msh panjang2 moso gue musti beli yang baru lagi. ah kesel bgt, kenapa sih bulan2 ini gue sial banget dompet gue lah ilang, jam tangan gue lah rusak.. lagian kalo nyokap gue mau beliin juga pasti ntr2an gt pas awal tahun,gue belom blg sih tp kan gue mau ngewarnainnya sekarang trs gue sebel sm --- soalnya kaan gue tanya
r:pensil warna ku mana?moso tnggal segini
-:orang dari sananya pas aku pake juga tnggal segitu ko
r:tp kan kamu yang terakhir pake
-:tp bukan aku
r:(ngambek,kesel)keluar ruangan banting pintu
terus siapa yang ngilangin masa tikus bs makan pensil,tikus kan cuman makan sabun warna aaah kesel banget gue gue mau sih mnta dibeliin lagi tp,tp harganya mahal buat ukuran ank seusia gue (alah). udh gt yang ngeselin warna2 penting item aja ga ada grr,pink muda juga udah lah gue ikhlasin aja gue beroa aja supaya nyokap gue mau beliin yang baru, amin2
m, i've just received notees from my friend trea. it little bit afraid me out abaout our friendship. ok i've just woke up from my long sleep, and suddenly i remember one of my friend its not that important to know her name.m,i think she's not to nice to me. sometime she like to.. ok, enough i think i shouln't do that.sebentar lg juga ud mau lulus ini, biarin aja lah. i hope she can being more more better;p ok, just want to show some pattinson photo, i took the photo from the book abaot rob's autobiography when i was waiting boarding time in airport. i know he's going hotter since he act in twilight with kristen stewart and dont you know? they got best kisses on mtv movie awards.awesomeeeee!
halo di postingan kali ini ad jellyfish yang ngakunya mau bertahanhidup di kamar mandi rachma setelah beberapa hari yang lalu membebaskan diri dari jeratan laut pasifik itu yang luaaaas banget oke mari kita wawancara dia langsung apa alesannya dia sampe dia mau tinggal dikamar mandi.
rachma(r):m,kamu kenapa sih mau tinggal disini?
jellyfish(j):soalnya aku takut sm ikan hiu dia mau makan aku,makanya kamu tolongin aku dong lindungin aku, dia tuh udh ambil hak idup aku!
r:m,kamu yakin dia ga bakal nyariin kamu kalo kamu disini
j:ga,dia kan ga tau alamat kamu
r:emg kamu yakin betah disini bakal aman disini kamu jangan salah kira lho disini tuh juga ada ancaman ga cuman di laut aja.
j:emg apa,keanya disini ga ada yang mau makan aku deeeh
r:HAHAHHAHHA(tertawa setan) ada lah yang mau makan kamu.yang mau makan kamu tuh aku lah,aku kan manusia aku tuh OMNIFORA pemakan segala-galanya
and this is manohara,beautiful!
oke than i'm watching news and infotainmet gossip the headline is abaout manohara. her ex-husband is putra mahkota (apalah in english) from kelantan lingdom in malaysia. and you know what he's doing something that really maybe really cruel. manohara tell that she got verbal abuse,sex abuse. and the one thing that make miserable,she's only 17 may be she got trauma and the Indonesian embassy why they dont think fast to manage this case. manohara tell that she just like their property,she must stay smile altough she's tired.yang paling parah katanya manohara disilet silet dan dia harus minum obat tidur trs dia dikurung di kamarnya, kamarnya bukan kamar2 yang ad wii,nds,ps,tv,internet,comp,tlp,hp di kamarnya ga ada apa2:'( terus lehernya kena setrikaan!